
Tirta Usada Journal: understanding alchemy

BY Tjok Gde Kerthyasa


“That which is above comes from that which is below, that which is below from that which is above.” These are the first lines of the Emerald Tablet text – the foundation stone of alchemy which has mysterious origins. The text was carved into a stone, green in colour, said to be a slab of emerald. It was written in an ancient Phoenician text.

Phoenicia was an ancient nation of maritime traders, located in what is now known as Lebanon, and annexed part of Syria and Israel. This may give us a clue as to the origins of alchemy. The word alchemy itself is derived from the Arabic phrase “from (Al) Khem (Egypt)”. Despite the many and varied versions of alchemical history, it is generally agreed that most of the alchemical principles and methods we have today came out of the Egyptian mystery schools. There are, however, many theories as to who taught the Egyptians about this ancient art. But make no mistake – alchemy as we will be exploring here is a practical spiritual science that is universal.

Through my exploration of the roots of alchemy, I’ve come across many fascinating cultural synchronicities – the Javanese and Balinese motif called Patra Mesir, for example, which insinuates an exchange between the mystery schools of Egypt and Indonesia and is ripe with alchemical symbolism. Over time, this drove me to look into the alchemical cosmology further through different cultures and the works of Terrence McKenna and Mircea Eliade, who wrote and spoke extensively about a multi-cultural alchemy and how the tradition can be traced to multiple mystery schools around the worst. These include the Daoists of China, the Tantric tradition in India, the African blacksmith alchemists who used metallurgy as their mystical initiation, the Dayak shamans of Kalimantan and Borneo and more.

The golden thread that links these cultures and traditions, that transcends space and time, shows a united language that can be translated by all – a language that speaks of the laws of creation, the microcosm-macrocosm, and the path of liberating the higher self in pursuit of oneness with the Divine through the true self.

How does alchemy correspond with our health?

The microcosmic-macrocosmos connection can be simplified as the human connection to the world and cosmos that appears to surround us. This type of connection, however, also exists within each of us through exponential manifestations that live within each preceding system. For example, the whole body breaks down into organ systems, which break down into individual organs, which break down into tissues, which break down into cells, which break down into individual cell components, to DNA, molecules, atoms, sub-atomic particles, and so on. The more we break down, the more expansive our view becomes, and smaller the particle, the more subtle the “body” we address. The further ‘in’ we go, the further ‘out’ we expand. As above, so below. This is the spiritual view of science, there are always complementary effects that move in seemingly opposite directions. To the mechanical reductionistic mind this is contradictory and paradoxical, and therefore invalid. To the spiritual scientist this is a universal truth.

By understanding the role of alchemy in our state of being, we approach the body and health from the foundation of planetary correspondences with the organs, archetypes, and the alchemical metal that links the two. Through homeopathy we can explore the therapeutic action of the metals to tonify or pacify planetary imbalances that may be affecting our personal health. We’re also likely to better realise the life challenges and even Karmic lessons that we are faced with. Through the application of consciousness, we can transmute these patterns into a spiral progression that will allow the evolutionary process of soul and spirit to continue its journey through the Universe. One method for this, is the homeopathic consultation and analysis of patterns, symbols, and archetypes that lie at the core of each person’s current life lesson on a physical, soul and spirit level.

The primary and secondary planets

The seven alchemical planets are the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Each planet corresponds with a metal, an element and the day of the week. A person’s primary planet is represented by the day of the week that individual is born. The secondary planet is represented by the time of day the individual is born. Clinically, I have observed that the primary planet represents the main life lesson, and the secondary planet represents the lesson we mastered in a past life which is here as a support to drive the main life lesson from an astral perspective. What happens in many cases, is that we often fall back on our secondary planet strengths to drive our life as this is familiar territory. This more often than not, however, leads to repeated patterns of imbalance in our lives. Tonifying the primary planet has many beneficial effects if this is the case.

Coming back to the essence, however, it is not even necessary to know the day or the time exactly, as the life lessons, patterns and even symptoms we experience will give away which planetary aspect needs support. This is an important concept, as support is the key here. Once an aspect of ourselves is held and supported, self-healing is the natural outcome.

To close this journal entry, I would like to acknowledge the teachers who have come before me, and whose work I have referred to, along with the teachers who guide me from the spiritual world and my ancestors who have handed down the alchemical traditions to us in Bali. I extend my sincere gratitude to Peter Berryman, Peter Tumminello, Dr David Levy, Dr Malcolm Patel, Tony Pinkus, Ian Watson, Dr Robin Murphy, Dennis Klocek, Manfred Junius, and Paola. For those interested in exploring this concept in more depth, please stay tuned for our next workshop on the topic, which can be joined in-person with us here in Bali or online.

From our family to yours, we sincerely convey our intention to heal.

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